Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Trial Homeschool Adventure Pics

Social Studies! We found a recipe for egg rolls that had been in the Ling family for over 300 years. They took hours to make, but tasted great!
Our first nature walk! We have great trails right in our own neighborhood. The kids each found one thing they wanted to investigate further at home.
Continuation of our nature study. Coco brought home a branch covered in lichen. They sketched the branch looking with their eyes, then sketched what the lichen looked like under the microscope. We also went to a few kids science sites to learn more about lichen and wrote out facts for handwriting practice.

Coco skipped school to go to the Mythical Creatures exhibit at the Fernbank. I couldn't believe how much attention he paid to everything. We followed it up at home reading multiple Greek Myths. 
Coco's teacher sent home all the work he missed when we skipped school and went to the museum. We completed an entire day's assignments in 30 minutes! We continued the lessons ourselves and practiced place value with money.

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