Tuesday, March 8, 2011

My Newest Idea

My most favorite thing in life is a new idea. Lots of them don't stick around much past "Hey, I was thinking..." but, sometimes they take hold and change my life. My current big thing is homeschooling the kids. It started out as what to do with sweet, shy Morgan. The more research I did, the more it looked like a fabulous idea for the whole family. We can set our own schedule, learn as fast (or slow) as we need, and take field trips at least once a week. Plus we avoid a lot of the negative school peer pressure and teasing. No one else out there cares about my kids as much as I do. It makes sense that I should be in charge of educating and molding their minds.
So, if you just can't get enough of my incessant Facebook updates, think I've completely gone off my rocker and want to see how much farther I will go, or are just plain curious, stick around. This is bound to be an interesting year!!

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